%1!s! [ [ blackout = ] blackout [ noresponse = ] noresponse ] Sets the blackout time and no response time. blackout - Specifies the time that the server is identified as unavailable, in minutes. Default value is 5. (Optional) noresponse - Specifies the maximum time to wait for the server to respond, in seconds. Default value is 20. (Optional) Example: %1!s! blackout = "10" noresponse = "60"
s! accounting = ENABLE|DISABLE authentication = ENABLE|DISABLE periodicacctstatus = ENABLE|DISABLE periodicauthstatus = ENABLE|DISABLE ...
s! accounting = ports authentication = ports Sets port configuration. accounting - the accounting list (optional). If none ...
s! anontemplate = template simple name authtemplate = template simple name anontemplate - Specifies the name of the health ...
s! answerfile = answerfile Repairs the installation of all Remote Access components. answerfile - the answerfile name. If ...
s! blackout = blackout noresponse = noresponse Sets the blackout time and no response time. blackout - Specifies the time ...
s! blob= Restores the Router.pbk file from netsh dump script. Do not call this command explicitly as it is to be used only ...
s! component = component Shows whether tracing for the given component is enabled. If no component is specified, shows the ...
s! component = component state = ENABLED|DISABLED Enables or disables extended tracing for the given component. component ...
s! confstate= ENABLED|DISABLED Sets the configuration state of the server. confstate - The new state of the server : ENABLED ...