Can't load <%1!s!> because it uses an HTTP connection and the ms-https-connections-only meta element is present. Only HTTPS connections are allowed when you use the ms-https-connections-only meta element. Use an HTTPS connection or, if you don't need a secure connection, remove the meta element.
Can't connect to the remote PC. This might be because of a network connection problem. Try connecting again. If that doesn't ...
Can't connect to the remote PC. This might be because of a network connection problem. Try connecting again. If this keeps ...
Can't connect to the remote PC. You might not have permissions to sign in remotely. Ask your network administrator for help. ...
Can't determine the age of the cross-ref %1 for the partition %2, so following errors relating to this cross-ref/partition ...
Can't load because it uses an HTTP connection and the ms-https-connections-only meta element is present. Only HTTPS connections ...
Can't match World Wide Port Names to World Wide Node Names. The number of World Wide Port Names should be equal to the number ...
Can't move objects with memberships across domain boundaries as once moved, this would violate the membership conditions ...
Can't navigate to from because the destination URI is in a higher security zone. You can't navigate from a zone with lower ...
can't run because it isn't compatible with Internet Explorer's enhanced security features. These settings are managed by ...