XapDeployCmd - Help Syntax: XapDeployCmd.exe - Specifies the command to be executed (one of the following) /installlaunch ...

XapDeployCmd - Help


   - Specifies the command to be executed (one of the following)
    /installlaunch     -   installs and launches the application on the device.
                           (requires Xap Filename)
    /update            -   updates application already installed on device
                           (requires Xap Filename)
    /launch            -   launches application installed on the device
                           (requires product-id)
    /uninstall         -   uninstalls the application from the device
                           (requires product-id)
    /EnumerateDevices  -   lists the valid device targets along with their
                           device indices.

   - Specifies the GUID of the product. This is located in
                 WMAppManifest.xml file of the project

   - Specifies the full path of Xap to be installed/updated.

   - Specifies the target device (one of the following)
    xd                -   default emulator
    de                -   Windows Phone device connected to the desktop
    n                 -   device listed at index n. To get the list of devices
                          use the following command
                          "XapDeployCmd.exe /EnumerateDevices"

Examples: (assuming product id is f8ce6878-0aeb-497f-bcf4-65be961d4bba and XapFilePath is D:\PhoneApp1.xap)

XapDeployCmd.exe  /installlaunch D:\PhoneApp1.xap /targetdevice:xd
      - installs PhoneApp1 on the default emulator and then launches it

XapDeployCmd.exe  /launch f8ce6878-0aeb-497f-bcf4-65be961d4bba /targetdevice:de 
      - launches the app with specified product id on the device

XapDeployCmd.exe  /update D:\PhoneApp1.xap /targetdevice:2
      - updates PhoneApp1 already installed on the device
        specified by device index 2. To get the list of valid indices use
        the EnumerateDevices command

XapDeployCmd.exe  /uninstall f8ce6878-0aeb-497f-bcf4-65be961d4bba /targetdevice:xd 
      - uninstalls the app with specified product id from the default emulator

XapDeployCmd.exe  /EnumerateDevices
      - enumerates the list of valid device targets along with their
        corresponding device index