EXPLANATION You are not allowed to log on at this time of day. ACTION If you need to log on, have your network administrator change the logon hours listed in your account.
EXPLANATION Windows NT could not find the domain controller for this domain. This task cannot be completed unless the domain ...
EXPLANATION Windows NT could not find the required information in your configuration. ACTION Ask your network administrator ...
EXPLANATION Windows NT could not find the resource you wanted to stop sharing. ACTION Check the spelling of the share name. ...
EXPLANATION Windows NT is not installed, or your configuration file is incorrect. ACTION Install Windows NT, or see your ...
EXPLANATION You are not allowed to log on at this time of day. ACTION If you need to log on, have your network administrator ...
EXPLANATION You are not allowed to log on from this workstation. ACTION If you need to log on from this workstation, have ...
EXPLANATION You can't start the Netlogon service on this server because a server in the domain with an earlier version the ...
EXPLANATION You cannot begin reading the log file from the previously established position because the log file has changed ...
EXPLANATION You cannot change your password again for a certain length of time. ACTION No action is needed. See your network ...