This file needs to be saved using thetext converter. If you are not the author of this file or if the file is not from a trusted source, using this converter may pose a security risk. Click Yes to save this file only if you are sure it is from a trusted source.
This file name has already been assigned to another file that shares the resource pool file.}Please use a different file ...
This file name is already in use in this publication. To have Publisher assign a different file name to this page, click ...
This file needs to be opened by the PowerPoint 95 converter, which may pose a security risk if the file you are opening is ...
This file needs to be opened by the {k} text converter, which may pose a security risk if the file you are opening is a malicious ...
This file needs to be saved using the text converter. If you are not the author of this file or if the file is not from a ...
This file originally contained features which were not recognized by this version of Excel. These features are not preserved ...
This file originally contained features which were not recognized by this version of Excel. These features will not be saved. ...
This file requires updates to Microsoft Office that are not currently installed. Contact your system administrator to update ...
This file type is restricted. For more information, see "Blocking restricted file types" in Microsoft SharePoint Workspace ...