Component "%1" from writer "%2" is excluded from backup, because it requires volume %3 which is not in the shadow copy set.
Completing this wizard will delete all existing settings and security attributes in this Starter GPO and replace them with ...
Completion is invoked when you type either of the two control characters. The completion function takes the path string to ...
Complex networking devices often are chassis-based. These chassis allow for enhancement and/or augmentation of their base ...
Component "%1" from writer "%2" is excluded from backup because it requires a volume that cannot be found on this system. ...
Component "%1" from writer "%2" is excluded from backup, because it requires volume %3 which is not in the shadow copy set. ...
Component '%1' setup failed to queue an operation for completion on the next computer restart. This is most likely due to ...
Component Services (COM+ 1.0) are not installed on this computer. This installation requires Component Services in order ...
Compressed (zipped) Folders was unable to create the specified directory. Ensure that the directory does not already exist, ...
Compressed, image, and archive format files that contain other files, such as .zip, .cab, .iso, .wim, and .vhd. This category ...