(!idspnOneNote) has upgraded your notes to the new file format for (!idspnOneNote_Short). Notes in the new format can only be opened in (!idspnOneNote_Short). A copy of your original notes has been left in their original location. Your notes may also have been split into multiple notebooks that you can access using the navigation bar on the left.
idspnOneNote) has not finished syncing changes for the following Outlook tasks: |0 Do you want to force (!idspnOneNote) to ...
idspnOneNote) has repaired the following file: |0 If any notes were lost, check backups for older copies of this section ...
idspnOneNote) has repaired the following section file: |0 Review this section file to ensure that no notes were lost. If ...
idspnOneNote) has stopped syncing this section because the server copy of the section is corrupted. To fix this, move the ...
idspnOneNote) has upgraded your notes to the new file format for (!idspnOneNote_Short). Notes in the new format can only ...
idspnOneNote) is not properly registered for using Microsoft Windows Desktop Search and cannot index notes for Instant Search. ...
idspnOneNote) is waiting to sync your changes. If you are handwriting, there may be a delay syncing while (!idspnOneNote) ...
idspnOneNote) keeps a local cached copy of all your notebooks. This makes access to those notebooks faster and allows you ...
idspnOneNote) may have failed to start because of corrupted settings files. You can delete these files and attempt to start ...