Problem encountered while accessing one of the databases. This usually occurs when one of the databases is offline. Ensure the database you are trying to access is online and try again.
primaryImport WHERE primaryImport.ActivityID = @ActivityID - if the record was not found, then insert IF (@ROWCOUNT = 0) ...
Principal %1 does not have sufficient privileges to perform the requested operation on device entity %2. The principal that ...
Priority of the rule within the policy. The larger the number, the higher the rule priority. The default is 0 and represents ...
Private key of the decryption certificate is not available. Please reinstall the certificate in "Current User\Personal" certificate ...
Problem encountered while accessing one of the databases. This usually occurs when one of the databases is offline. Ensure ...
Process has a logical source that has the same logical device appearing twice. Logical device name: {0}. Specify valid names ...
Process {0} can be deployed or undeployed only when it is stopped. The current state is {1}. You need to stop the process ...
Process {0} cannot be changed or deleted because it is currently running. You need to stop the process before attempting ...
Process {0} cannot be deleted because it is either running or is in event-collection mode. You need to stop the process before ...