WSAStringToAddress was unable to convert the IP Address element of the received Service Principal Name (SPN) to an address structure. The Windows error code indicates the cause of failure.
Writeback cannot be enabled for measure groups that contain a measure is bound to an unsigned data type ({1}). This applies ...
Writeback cannot be enabled for measure groups that contain aggregate functions other than Sum ({1}). This applies to the ...
Writeback functionality is not available because the current dimension has attributes whose NameColumn properties are bound ...
Writing from a stream can be performed only on a blob that has not been written to before. Some write operations have already ...
WSAStringToAddress was unable to convert the IP Address element of the received Service Principal Name (SPN) to an address ...
WTD=1=[ Member ]=Returns a set of members from the Week level in a Time dimension starting with the first period and ending ...
W[arnAsError Optional. Causes the package to fail if a warning occurs during validation. If no warnings occur during validation ...
X86 Optional. Ignored when running dtexec from the command line. Use this option when scheduling a job with SQL Agent to ...
XML %1!s! starting with '%2!s!' is %3!s! characters long, which exceeds the limit. Maximum allowed length is %4!s! characters. ...