Replication mode. This input variable takes the following values: Obey Schedule - Use configured schedule Sync Now - Ignore configured schedule and replicate now for the given duration Stop Sync - Ignore configured schedule and stop replication for the given duration Sync Until In-Sync - Ignore configured schedule until this member is fully in-sync with its upstream partner
Replication is already scheduled for virtual machine '%1'. To modify the schedule, cancel the existing scheduled task, and ...
Replication is not functioning correctly on this domain controller. If other domain controllers in the domain or forest are ...
Replication is paused for one or more of the virtual machines. While the primary virtual machine is paused, any changes that ...
REPLICATION LATENCY WARNING ERROR: Expected notification link is missing. Source %1 Replication of new changes along this ...
Replication mode. This input variable takes the following values: Obey Schedule - Use configured schedule Sync Now - Ignore ...
Replication mode. This input variable takes the following values: Obey Schedule - Use configured schedule Sync Now - Ignore ...
Replication of application directory partition %1 from source %2 has been aborted. Replication requires consistent schema ...
Replication of domain information was not completed due to an error with the source domain controller. Please make sure that ...
Replication of the content set "%1" has been blocked because use of the File Replication Service for replication of non-SYSVOL ...