The COM sub system is suppressing duplicate event log entries for a duration of %1 seconds. The suppression timeout can be controlled by a REG_DWORD value named %2 under the following registry key: HKLM\%3.
The ColorTableEntries property indicates the size of the system's color table, if the device has a color depth of no more ...
The columns were not successfully changed because one or more objects have property sheets active. Close the property sheets, ...
The COM Server with CLSID %1 and name "%2" cannot be started on machine "%3" during Safe Mode. The Data Deduplication service ...
The COM Server with CLSID %1 and name "%2" cannot be started on machine "%3". Most likely the CPU is under heavy load. Error: ...
The COM sub system is suppressing duplicate event log entries for a duration of %1 seconds. The suppression timeout can be ...
The COM+ Event System caught an access violation at address %1 within method %3 of interface %4. The method attempted to ...
The COM+ Event System could not apply the filter criteria to subscription %2 with display name "%6" because the criteria ...
The COM+ Event System could not fire an EventObjectChange event to subscription %2 because a bad HRESULT was detected during ...
The COM+ Event System could not fire an EventObjectChange event to subscription %2 because the query criteria string "%3" ...