Error connecting to "{1}" while uninstalling "{0}". Verify that the SQL instance is running, connections are not being blocked by a firewall, and you have SQL administrator permissions. For details, see the following log file: "{2}
Error applying patch to file 2]. It has probably been updated by other means, and can no longer be modified by this patch. ...
Error connecting to "{1}" while installing "{0}". Verify that the SQL instance is running, connections are not being blocked ...
Error connecting to "{1}" while installing "{0}". Verify that the SQL instance is running, connections are not being blocked ...
Error connecting to "{1}" while uninstalling "{0}". Verify that the SQL instance is running, connections are not being blocked ...
Error connecting to "{1}" while uninstalling "{0}". Verify that the SQL instance is running, connections are not being blocked ...
Error in getting processing request. Exception: %3 Cause: Over the past %1 minutes Lync Server has received unexpected exceptions ...
Error loading agents. Could not load agent with GUID %1 in the group with GUID %2 and Name '%3'. Agent ignored. Make sure ...
Error occurred while accessing SQL database. SQL Connection String: %1 Exception: %2 Cause: Either the connection to the ...
Error occurred while updating the configuration on one or more computers. Do you want to proceed with updating the password ...