Unable to update license for this user. One or more of the assigned service plans is not available in this user's country. Prohibited Service Plans: {0}. Specific service plans can be disabled for a user by using the licenseoptions parameter.
Unable to send SMS. Unable to send SMS message to user. Verify connectivity to SMS provider. Workflow: {0} Request ID: {1} ...
Unable to set the federation settings for this domain because it is a subdomain. Use the Get-MsolDomain cmdlet to find the ...
Unable to share this file. If you opened the file from a network location, save a copy of the file on your machine and try ...
Unable to update license for this user. One or more of the assigned service plans depends on a service plan which has not ...
Unable to update license for this user. One or more of the assigned service plans is not available in this user's country. ...
Unable to update license for this user. The set of licenses includes two or more service plans which cannot be assigned at ...
Unable to update this object because the following attributes associated with this object are not allowed to be updated by ...
Unable to update this object because the following attributes associated with this object have values that may already be ...
Unable to update this object in Azure Active Directory because the attribute UserPrincipalName is not valid. Check for leading ...