Exporting assembly bindings from BizTalk configuration database (assembly="{0}", server="{1}", database="{2}") into binding file "{3}"...
Exception occurred in applying per instance configuration on component "{0}" . The exception message is: {1} The possible ...
Exception while returning metadata for provider {0}. Details: {1}. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception, and then ...
Executes the command specified in the XML file and prints the results to the console. For details of commands, refer to the ...
Exporting application "{0}" bindings from BizTalk configuration database (server="{1}", database="{2}") into binding file ...
Exporting assembly bindings from BizTalk configuration database (assembly="{0}", server="{1}", database="{2}") into binding ...
Exports bindings for the specified process to the XML file. This method exports both the device bindings and the component ...
Exports BizTalk assembly binding information from BizTalk Configuration database. EXPORT SERVER=server DATABASE=database ...
Express This is the fastest mode where the messages are stored in memory of the MSMQ process. Reliable (recovery) In this ...
Extra data in the document instance was not parsed. Verify the document instance you want to validate contains only one document. ...