Usage: DnsCmd /RecordDelete /f NOTE: Deletion of RRSIG and NSEC records is not supported. - FQDN of a zone of /RootHints ...

Usage: DnsCmd  /RecordDelete  

  NOTE: Deletion of RRSIG and NSEC records is not supported.
        -- FQDN of a zone of /RootHints or /Cache
    -- name of node from which a record will be deleted
                   - "@" for zone root OR
                   - FQDN of a node (DNS name with a '.' at the end) OR
                   - single label for name relative to zone root ) OR
                   - service name for SRV only (e.g. _ftp._tcp)
  :       :
    For help on how to specify the  for other record
      types see "DnsCmd /RecordAdd /?"
    If  is not specified deletes all records with of specified type
  /f --  Execute without asking for confirmation