Your Memberships often express a lot about you. Based on your job functions or personal interests, you could belong to many diverse groups. Identify which memberships you want to display on your personal site. Below is the list of memberships currently displayed on your personal site.
Your Mailbox has exceeded its message limit and some items could not be synchronized with the service. Delete some messages ...
Your mailbox is currently being optimized as part of upgrading to Outlook 2010. This one time process may take over 15 minutes ...
Your mailbox is temporarily unavailable because another e-mail message is being delivered to it or another mail application ...
Your mailbox will be full after sending this email message. You may not able to send messages until you remove items from ...
Your Memberships often express a lot about you. Based on your job functions or personal interests, you could belong to many ...
Your message cannot be larger than %1 kilobytes. You need to delete some of the existing media files to send the message. ...
Your message cannot have more than %1 slides. You need to delete some of the existing slides to send the message. Do you ...
Your message subject or body contains characters or words that are not allowed by local policy or not supported by the service ...
Your Microsoft Exchange administrator has blocked the version of Outlook that you are using. Contact your administrator for ...