%11WSUS Configuration Manager has configured WSUS Server "%1" to sync from the parent WSUS Server instead of sync from Microsoft Update.%12%0
WSUS Configuration Manager failed to get update categories, classifications and locales from WSUS Server "%1".%12 Possible ...
WSUS Configuration Manager failed to publish client boot-strapper package "%1" with version "%2" to the Software Updates ...
WSUS Configuration Manager failed to subscribe to update categories and classifications on WSUS Server "%1".%12 Possible ...
WSUS Configuration Manager failed to unpublish client boot-strapper package "%1" with version "%2" from the Software Updates ...
WSUS Configuration Manager has configured WSUS Server "%1" to sync from the parent WSUS Server instead of sync from Microsoft ...
WSUS Configuration Manager has detected that Software Updates Point is not configured yet. client boot-strapper packag publishing ...
WSUS Configuration Manager has detected that WSUS Server "%1" cannot sync from the parent WSUS Server as there is no parent ...
WSUS Configuration Manager successfully published client boot-strapper package "%1" with version "%2" to the Software Updates ...
WSUS Configuration Manager successfully unpublished client boot-strapper package "%1" to the Software Updates Point.%12%0 ...