Create a new folder under %StaticDriverPath; on the Virtual Machine Manager management server and then copy the necessary 32-bit Windows Vista driver package files for this device to the new folder. The driver package files include the driver (.sys) and installation (.inf and .cat) files. Check the device manufacturer's website or try the following link: %SuggestedDriverLocation; for the necessary driver files.
Could not unregister file share %SharePath; from %VMHostName; because the host is currently hosting VMs with resources on ...
Could not unregister file share %SharePath; from cluster %HostClusterName; because the cluster is currently hosting VMs with ...
Could not write value 2 to key 3]. { System error 4].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your ...
Create a new folder under %StaticDriverPath; on the Virtual Machine Manager management server and then copy the necessary ...
Create a new folder under %StaticDriverPath; on the Virtual Machine Manager management server and then copy the necessary ...
Create a new folder under %StaticDriverPath; on the VMM machine and copy all of the storage or networks drivers for %ComputerName; ...
Create a new folder under %StaticDriverPath; on the VMM machine and then copy all of the storage or networks drivers for ...
Create a virtual machine from a user role which has sufficient rights, or contact your administrator be granted the necessary ...
Create and associate new logical unit clones to this logical unit. Associated clones are used to load balance new snapshots ...