WINS was forced to scavenge replica tombstones of a WINS. The person with administrative rights on the computer forced the ...

WINS was forced to scavenge replica tombstones of a WINS. The person with   administrative rights on the computer forced the scavenging using winscl.exe.     WINS does not scavenge replica tombstones unless they have timed out and the   WINS has been running for at least 3 days (This is to ensure that the   tombstones have replicated to other WINSs). In this case, the tombstones were   timed out but the WINS had not been up for 3 days. The replica tombstones   were deleted.     This deletion does not constitute a problem unless you have WINS servers that   are primary and backup to clients but not both Push and Pull partners of each   other. If you do have such WINSs, there is a low probability that this action   will result in database inconsistency but if it does (as you will discover   eventually), you can get back to a consistent state by initiating consistency   checks using winscl.exe.     NOTE: The consistency check is a network and resource intensive operation, you   should initiate it only with a full understanding of what it does. You are   better off creating the ConsistencyCheck subkey under Wins\Parameters.
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