You are receiving this mail because you are the contact for {0} that is scheduled to end in {1}, on {2}. To view the latest version of this item please click {3}.
You are printing your publication to a printer with duplex printing turned on. This will result in front-and-back printing ...
You are receiving this e-mail because you are the contact for {1} . The variation system encountered an error and was unable ...
You are receiving this e-mail because you are the contact for {1} . The variation system was unable to synchronize {3} because ...
You are receiving this e-mail because you are the contact for {1} . {2} View this item . Please do not reply to this e-mail. ...
You are receiving this mail because you are the contact for {0} that is scheduled to end in {1}, on {2}. To view the latest ...
You are removing a link for a recurring meeting. If you proceed, you can never link the meeting to this workspace again. ...
You are required to specify a search scope that corresponds to the repository. This will allow the preview of your discovery ...
You are running a version of Microsoft Office that does not support Full Control. You are currently authenticated to view ...
You are saving a publication containing embedded objects that are still being edited in another program. To save this publication, ...