ID4023: The encrypted security token was directly encrypted using an asymmetric key, which is not supported. An xenc:EncryptedKey must be used to encrypt a symmetric key using the asymmetric key.
ID3275: The XmlReader is not positioned at an EncryptedData element. XmlReader is positioned at: Name: '{0}', Namespace: ...
ID4007: The symmetric key inside the requested security token must be encrypted. To fix this, either override the SecurityTokenService.GetScope() ...
ID4013: Cannot return null from Saml11SecurityTokenHandler.CreateAssertion. To fix this, make sure CreateAssertion returns ...
ID4022: The key needed to decrypt the encrypted security token could not be resolved. Ensure that the SecurityTokenResolver ...
ID4023: The encrypted security token was directly encrypted using an asymmetric key, which is not supported. An xenc:EncryptedKey ...
ID4034: A SamlAttributeStatement can only have one SamlAttributeValue of type 'Actor'. This special SamlAttribute is used ...
ID4036: The key needed to decrypt the encrypted security token could not be resolved from the following security key identifier ...
ID4037: The key needed to verify the signature could not be resolved from the following security key identifier '{0}'. Ensure ...
ID4039: A custom ServiceAuthorizationManager has been configured. Any custom ServiceAuthorizationManager must be derived ...