A type '{0}' that is defined in a partially trusted assembly cannot be type forwarded from an assembly with a different Public Key Token or without a public key token. To fix this, please either turn on unsafeTypeForwarding flag in the configuration file or remove the TypeForwardedFrom attribute.
a transparent method, contains a security demand. {0} should be made security safe-critical, or the demand should be removed ...
a transparent method, uses the HandleProcessCorruptingExceptionsAttribute. In order to handle process corrupting exceptions, ...
a transparent type or method, contains a declarative security assert for {1}. {0} should be made security critical or security ...
a transparent type or method, contains a declarative security demand for {1}. {0} should be made security-safe critical or ...
A type '{0}' that is defined in a partially trusted assembly cannot be type forwarded from an assembly with a different Public ...
A union code group can have zero or more child code groups. A child code group contributes to the permission set granted ...
A URI that contains the location of the per-application dead letter queue, where messages that have expired or that have ...
A user callback threw an exception. Check the exception stack and inner exception to determine the callback that failed. ...
A UTC DateTime is being converted to text in a format that is only correct for local times. This can happen when calling ...