The EcoResProductMasterProductVariantNomenclature table contains associations between product variant nomenclature and product master
The EcoResNomenclatureSegmentTextConstant table extends EcoResNomenclatureSegment and indicates that the segment should be ...
The EcoResPCComponentConfigurationNomenclature table contains associations between PC components and configuration nomenclatures ...
The EcoResPCConfigurationNomenclature table extends the EcoResNomenclature abstract table, and is used for storing definitions ...
The EcoResProductDimensionGroupProductVariantNomenclature table contains associations between product variant nomenclature ...
The EcoResProductMasterProductVariantNomenclature table contains associations between product variant nomenclature and product ...
The EcoResProductReleasedStoppedAllChartPartTmp table contains information that is used by EcoResProductReleasedStoppedAllChartPart ...
The EcoResProductSelectedForRelease table stores the reference to a product selected by user in the UI for adding to release ...
The EcoResProductVariantNomenclature table extends EcoResNomenclature and is use for generating numbers/names for product ...
The EcoResReferenceValue table stores information to find/lookup/store foreign keys into tables. It has fields for the TableId, ...