A string describing the data structure of the information in the property, RecordData. If the RecordFormat string is, RecordData should be interpreted as a free-form string. To describe the data structure of RecordData, the RecordFormat string should be constructed as follows: - The first character is a delimiter character and is used to parse the remainder of the string into sub-strings. - Each sub-string is separated by the delimiter character and should be in the form of a CIM property declaration (i.e., datatype and property name). This set of declarations may be used to interpret the similarly delimited RecordData property. For example, using a \'*\' delimiter, RecordFormat = "*string ThisDay*uint32 ThisYear*datetime SomeTime" may be used to interpret: RecordData = "*This is Friday*2002*20020807141000.000000-300".
A string containing localized substitutable content was malformed. Either a dollar sign ($) was followed by something other ...
A string containing LogRecord data. If the corresponding RecordFormat property is , or cannot be parsed according to the ...
A string defining "Other" values for ErrorSourceFormat. This value MUST be set to a non NULL value when ErrorSourceFormat ...
A string describing and identifying how the card is mounted on or plugged into the 'other' card. slot information could be ...
A string describing the data structure of the information in the property, RecordData. If the RecordFormat string is , RecordData ...
A string describing the data structure of the information in the property, RecordData. If the RecordFormat string is , RecordData ...
A string describing the element's enabled/disabled state when the EnabledState property is set to 1 (\"Other\"). This property ...
A string describing the manufacturer and operating system type - used when the operating system property, OSType, is set ...
A string describing the operating system's version number. The format of the version information is as follows: . . or . ...