The File Replication Service is unable to replicate with its partner computer because the difference in clock times is outside the range of plus or minus %1 minutes. The connection to the partner computer is: "%2" The detected time difference is: %3 minutes. Note: If this time difference is close to a multiple of 60 minutes then it is likely that either this computer or its partner computer was set to the incorrect time zone when the computer time was initially set. Check that the time zone and the system time are correctly set on both computers. If necessary, the default value used to test for computer time consistency may be changed in the registry on this computer. (Note: This is not recommended.) To change this parameter, run regedt32. Click on Start, Run and type regedt32. Click on the window entitled HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Click down the key path: "System\CurrentControlSet\Services tFrs\Parameters" Double click on the value name "Partner Clock Skew In Minutes" and update the value. If the value name is not present you may add it with the Add Value function under the Edit Menu item. Type the value name exactly as shown above using the the registry data type REG_DWORD.
The File Replication Service is unable to add this computer to the following replica set: "%1" This could be caused by a ...
The File Replication Service is unable to open (or create) the pre-install directory under the customer designated replica ...
The File Replication Service is unable to open the customer designated staging directory for replica set %1. The path used ...
The File Replication Service is unable to replicate from a partner computer because the event time associated with the file ...
The File Replication Service is unable to replicate with its partner computer because the difference in clock times is outside ...
The File Replication Service may be preventing the computer %1 from becoming a domain controller while the system volume ...
The File Replication Service may be preventing the computer %1 from becoming a domain controller while the system volume ...
The File Replication Service moved the preexisting files in %1 to %2. The File Replication Service may delete the files in ...
The File Replication Service on computer %1 is stopping because the database %2 is corrupted. The database can be recovered ...