To manage more than five hosts, you must upgrade System Center Virtual Machine Manager. For information about upgrading, go to
To install this ActiveX control, you must add the VMware host Web access page ({0}) to your trusted sites. If a self-signed, ...
To install virtual guest services on virtual machine %VMName; residing on host %VMHostName;, the virtual machine must have ...
To install virtual guest services on virtual machine %VMName; residing on host, the virtual machine must have at least one ...
To make the virtual switch highly available, ensure that a virtual switch with the same name, tag, and connectivity exists ...
To manage more than five hosts, you must upgrade System Center Virtual Machine Manager. For information about upgrading, ...
To modify the template, create a new virtual machine template with the required modification and associate it with the service ...
To move a virtual machine from one private cloud to another private cloud requires fabric or private cloud administrative ...
To move a virtual machine from private cloud to fabric, or fabric to private cloud, requires fabric administrative privileges. ...
To perform a physical-to-virtual conversion, all virtual hard disks of a highly available virtual machine must be placed ...