In order to run the software on this CD, the Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x64 Minimum Runtime - 11.0.50727 Package must be installed. Do you wish to install it?
In order for changes to the following simple URLs to take effect, you must update the corresponding DNS records. Depending ...
In order for Lync Server 2013 to correctly route messages in your deployment, you must publish your topology. Before you ...
In order for Lync Server 2013 to correctly route traffic, your deployment must match the published topology. The linked text ...
In order to complete the installation of 2], you must restart the computer. Other users are currently logged on to this computer, ...
In order to run the software on this CD, the Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x64 Minimum Runtime - 11.0.50727 Package must be installed. ...
In order to run the software, the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 (or greater) must be installed. Please install Microsoft .NET ...
In order to run the software, Windows Powershell V3.0 or later must be installed. Please install Windows Powershell V3.0 ...
In the published topology, the site that you are deleting includes the pool ({0}) that hosts the Central Management Server. ...
Inbound Routing Application is running under an account that is not authorized to connect to the server. Cause: The RTCSRV ...