The string passed to function '%s' exceeds the default maximum length of %d. To override this limit, use '%s' and pass in the desired limit.
The string '{0}' is not a valid XAML type name. Type names contain an optional prefix, a name, and optional type arguments; ...
The string must be a complete URL beginning with 'http' or 'https', for example "". ...
The string must be a fully qualified URL or UNC path, for example "" or "\server\myapplication". ...
The string must be a fully qualified URL or UNC path, for example "" or "\server\myapplication". ...
The string passed to function '%s' exceeds the default maximum length of %d. To override this limit, use '%s' and pass in ...
The string types below (if present) reflect the actual data type of the database field - CStringA for ANSI datatypes and ...
The Strong Name membership condition is true for all assemblies with a strong name that matches the one defined below. Assemblies ...
The strong name signature from the binary will be removed in order to be processed. It will need to be resigned before it ...
The struct, record or union type '{0}' does not support structural equality because the type '{1}' does not satisfy the 'equality' ...