Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it contains an INNER join that specifies a join hint. Consider removing the join hint.
Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses table variable "%3!s!". Consider not indexing this view or removing the ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses the OPENXML rowset provider. Consider removing OPENXML or not indexing ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because the view uses the "*" operator to select columns. Consider referencing columns ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because column '%3!s!' that is referenced by the view in the WHERE or GROUP BY clause ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it contains an INNER join that specifies a join hint. Consider removing the join ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it contains one or more UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operators. Consider creating ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it references another view '%3!s!'. Consider expanding referenced view's definition ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it references CLR routine (function or method) '%3!s!' outside non-key columns ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because its select list does not include a proper use of COUNT_BIG. Consider adding COUNT_BIG(*) ...