Replica statistics for '%1' (Virtual Machine ID %2) StartTime: %3 EndTime: %4 ReplicationSuccessCount: %5 ReplicationSize (bytes): %6 ReplicationLatency (seconds): %7 ReplicationMissCount: %8 ReplicationFailureCount: %9 NetworkFailureCount: %10 MaxReplicationLatency: %11 Application-consistentSnapshotErrorCount: %12 PendingReplicationSize (bytes): %13 MaxReplicationSize (bytes): %14
Replace the existing certificate-based credential. This certificate-based credential will replace the existing certificate-based ...
Replace the existing Windows credential This Windows credential will replace the existing Windows credential in the vault. ...
Replaces files. REPLACE drive1:][path1]filename drive2:][path2 /A /P /R /W REPLACE drive1:][path1]filename drive2:][path2 ...
Replica server settings are not the same on all servers. This might cause replication to stop for some virtual machines. ...
Replica statistics for '%1' (Virtual Machine ID %2) StartTime: %3 EndTime: %4 ReplicationSuccessCount: %5 ReplicationSize ...
Replica virtual machine '%1' was created with a different processor, memory, or network configuration than that of primary ...
Replica virtual machine {0} was successfully created on the specified Replica server {1}. Some network adapters for the Replica ...
Replica virtual machine {0} was successfully created on the specified Replica server {1}. The network adapters for the Replica ...
Replica virtual machine {0} was successfully created on the specified Replica server {1}. The network adapters for the Replica ...