Suggestions come from several sources determined by your organization. Microsoft Outlook 2010, for example, periodically scans your sent e-mail folder to look for frequently used names and keywords.
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Success starts at home with Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010: programs that work together smoothly to help you accelerate ...
Successfully connected to the following remote service application: {0} You may further configure this connection using the ...
Successfully connected to the following remote service application: {0} You may further configure this connection using the ...
Successfully connected to the following remote service application: {0} You should edit the web application properties for ...
Suggestions come from several sources determined by your organization. Microsoft Outlook 2010, for example, periodically ...
Sum of children Take the corresponding target score for each of the child KPIs immediately below this KPI and use the sum ...
Summarize data using a PivotTable. PivotTables make it easy to arrange and summarize complicated data and drill down on details. ...
Summarize the data in this table using a PivotTable. PivotTables make it easy to arrange and summarize complicated data and ...
sum_range,criteria_range,criteria,.!Adds the cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteria!are the actual cells ...