Specify a text file containing a list of e-mail addresses to append to or overwrite the Safe Senders list (depending on the policy "Overwrite or Append Junk Mail Import List").
Specify a site URL where profile pages of your External Content Types will be created. You can update this site at any time, ...
Specify a specific search results page to send users to for results when they search in this scope, or choose to use the ...
Specify a start date and/or end date that this report should be restricted to. If you specify only a start date, the report ...
Specify a template file name.}A template file name must be specified in order to export an HTML page based on a template. ...
Specify a text file containing a list of e-mail addresses to append to or overwrite the Safe Senders list (depending on the ...
Specify a unique, descriptive name for this Shared Services Provider. This name will be used to identify this SSP in administration ...
Specify a valid user name and password for an account that is a member of the Power Users group and has Database Creators ...
Specify a value argument for the Find macro command.}An example of a Find macro is: Find Name := \"Duration\", Test := \"Equals\", ...
Specify a value argument for the Find macro command.}An example of a Find macro is: Find Name := \"Duration\", Test := \"Equals\", ...