ID3192: The WSTrustChannel cannot compute a proof key. The received RequestedSecurityTokenResponse does not contain a RequestedProofToken and the ComputedKeyAlgorithm specified in the response is not supported: '{0}'.
ID3141: The RequestType '{0}', is not supported. If you need to support this RequestType, override the corresponding virtual ...
ID3150: Cannot find an output message type for PortType '({0}, {1})' for operation '{2}' in the given ServiceDescription. ...
ID3190: The WSTrustChannel cannot compute a proof key without a valid SecurityToken set as the RequestSecurityToken.UseKey ...
ID3191: The WSTrustChannel received a RequestedSecurityTokenResponse message containing an Entropy without a ComputedKeyAlgorithm. ...
ID3192: The WSTrustChannel cannot compute a proof key. The received RequestedSecurityTokenResponse does not contain a RequestedProofToken ...
ID3193: The WSTrustChannel cannot compute a proof key. The received RequestedSecurityTokenResponse indicates that the proof ...
ID3194: The WSTrustChannel cannot compute a proof key. The received RequestedSecurityTokenResponse indicates that the proof ...
ID3269: Cannot determine the TrustVersion. It must either be specified explicitly, or a SecurityBindingElement must be present ...
ID3270: The WSTrustChannel does not support multi-leg issuance protocols. The RSTR received from the STS must be enclosed ...