Word has insufficient memory. Do you want to save \0 as \0? WARNING: This operation will save all text in the master document, but not its structure.
Word has disabled XML support for this document because it detected that your computer has become unstable. To correct this ...
Word has finished searching the selection. The search item was not found. Do you want to search the remainder of the document? ...
Word has finished searching the selection. \0 replacement was made. Do you want to search the remainder of the document? ...
Word has finished searching the selection. \0 replacements were made. Do you want to search the remainder of the document? ...
Word has insufficient memory. Do you want to save \0 as \0? WARNING: This operation will save all text in the master document, ...
Word has lost data due to a bad network connection or missing floppy. Documents relying on this data are going to be saved ...
Word has reached its open file limit. To continue saving changes, Word must remove temporary files that are open. Removing ...
Word is opening a Word version 1.x for Windows template. Macros from Word 1.x for Windows cannot be converted and will be ...
Word is unable to perform recovery because the conversion module that recovers data was not present. Please exit Word and ...