Cursor is not currently pointing to a MessageQueue instance. It is located either before the first or after the last queue in the enumeration.
Current thread is not in Single Thread Apartment (STA) mode. Starting a process with UseShellExecute set to True requires ...
Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your Main function ...
Currently, spatial types are only supported when used in CSDL files that have the UseStrongSpatialTypes annotation with a ...
Cursor is not currently pointing to a Message instance. It is located either before the first or after the last message in ...
Cursor is not currently pointing to a MessageQueue instance. It is located either before the first or after the last queue ...
Custom code groups cannot be edited in this configuration tool. Below is the XML representation of this custom code group. ...
Custom code groups have specialized behavior defined by the code group developer and might or might not follow the behavior ...
Custom marshaler '%1' does not implement a static GetInstance method that takes a single string parameter and returns an ...
Custom message headers in MessageDescription is not supported. Please use a MessageContract-decorated type in operation '{0}', ...