You must have a storage account in a supported region to create an HDInsight cluster. Supported regions for clusters of this type are: {0}.
You might be running Internet Explorer in a compatibility mode. To view this website, you should use Internet Explorer in ...
You must create a virtual network first. You can upload a template image only in a region that already has a virtual network. ...
You must deactivate a device before you can delete it. Deactivation is a permanent operation and cannot be undone. Cloud ...
You must deactivate a device before you can delete it. Deactivation is a permanent operation and cannot be undone. Cloud ...
You must have a storage account in a supported region to create an HDInsight cluster. Supported regions for clusters of this ...
You must specify a private address range. Verify that the specified address range is within one of the following ranges: ...
You must use accounts in the Azure Active Directory " {0} " for users in this hybrid collection. See Change the Azure Active ...
You must use accounts in the Azure Active Directory named " {0} " for users in this Office 365 collection. See Change the ...
You need an {0}|eligible Microsoft Azure subscription|{1}|_blank to buy more user licenses or shared resources. {2}|Create ...