DSL5023: The reference string provided does not have the correct format. The correct format is modelbus://logicalAdapterId/model display name/element display name/adapter reference data. Provide a reference string that has the correct format.
Dropping the selected scripts or queries here will have the effect of executing them on the database that is pointed to by ...
DSL5002: The AdapterManager is not correctly registered with a ModelBus. Confirm the AdapterManager is registered with a ...
DSL5012: Exception occurred attempting to create an adapter. AdapterManager: {0} Assembly: {1} Exception: {2} Exception message: ...
DSL5017: The full path representing a Model file is null or empty or invalid. Please specify a valid accessible file location ...
DSL5023: The reference string provided does not have the correct format. The correct format is modelbus://logicalAdapterId/model ...
DSL5506: Cannot create the requested ModelBusAdapter because Visual Studio cannot establish an association between the referenced ...
DSL5507: Cannot create the ModelBusAdapter because the referenced file is open in an incompatible editor. Close all instances ...
DSL5509: Cannot create a View on ModelBusAdapter {0} because either this ModelBusAdapter does not support the View, or an ...
DSL5510: Visual Studio cannot find the ProjectItems collection in the solution. If the problem persists, contact the author ...