The expense report contains an expense using an anti-corruption category. Ensure that the anti-corruption attestation is completed or use a different category.
The existing sandbox organization is valid. The online migration process will override this sandbox organization. Are you ...
The expected return quantity on the intercompany sales order resulted in a different quantity than what is on the purchase ...
The expense report can't be submitted because one or more expense lines have transaction amount of 0 (zero). Please try again. ...
The expense report cannot be approved. The amount in this expense report would cause the total budgeted amount for this project/category ...
The expense report contains an expense using an anti-corruption category. Ensure that the anti-corruption attestation is ...
The expense report indicates that it contains expenses for a government official. Ensure at least one expense uses a anti-corruption ...
The expense to be copied was on a report that has already been submitted. The new expense is not attached to an expense report. ...
The expenses matched to the credit card expense are displayed in the grid. Click Unmatch to set the credit card expense back ...
The expenses selected to be merged have different expense categories. The expense category will be updated to %1. Do you ...