Schema conversion has not been completed. Convert the schema of the database from the IPAM homepage to complete the configuration, before attempting any IPAM operation.
Schedule intervals cannot overlap. Ensure that the intervals for this schedule include start times and end times that do ...
Schedule new storage report jobs. The syntax of this command is: Storrept Reports Add /Task:TASK /Scope:"SCOPE" /Add-Report:TYPE ...
Scheduled backup of system image is not allowed on removable devices. You can try to save a single system image on this device ...
Scheduled Task created: File Name: %1 Command: %2 Triggers: %3 Time: %4 %5 Flags: %6 Target User: %7 By: User: %8 Domain: ...
Schema conversion has not been completed. Convert the schema of the database from the IPAM homepage to complete the configuration, ...
Schema document '{0}' defines namespace '{1}', which is referenced in document '{2}'. A schema document cannot be removed ...
Schema information for this object type is not available because: %1 This may cause object creation to fail. You should quit ...
Schema linked attributes %1 and %2 have different syntaxes. We will be unable to infer the forward link from the backward ...
Schema updates have not yet happened on the local DC. Please retry later. The schema updates usually take at least 5 minutes ...