Use this setting if you don't want to see proofing marks on the screen. This setting is not saved to the document.Note that you currently have Grammar Checking turned off in Settings > Options.
Use this chart type to:\u2022 Compare values across a few categories.\u2022 Show data on a third axis which will show some ...
Use this chart type to:\u2022 Show proportions of a whole.Use it instead of a pie chart when there are multiple series that ...
Use this chart type to:\u2022 Show trends over time (years, months, and days) or categories.\u2022 Show data on a third axis ...
Use this look for all new documents.Save your current settings so that every time you create a blank document it will be ...
Use this setting if you don't want to see proofing marks on the screen. This setting is not saved to the document.Note that ...
Use this setting to hide proofing marks in the selected text. This setting is saved to the document.Note that you currently ...
usually ignores the space bar as inserting a space would interfere with its Automatic Formatting feature. 's math formatting ...
Validation (Data menu)Defines what data is valid for individual cells or cell ranges; restricts the data entry to a particular ...
value!Checks whether a reference is to an empty cell, and returns TRUE or FALSE!is the cell or a name that refers to the ...