(Process %1, PID %2) Fail to create runspace for user %3 because the user's tenant %4 has reached the maximum number of runspace creation allowed in specified time period. Max allowed execution rate: %5/%6s. Backoff time for this user: %7ms.
Process %1, PID %2) Fail to create runspace because the server has reached the maximum number of connections allowed for ...
Process %1, PID %2) Fail to create runspace for user %3 because the server has reached the maximum number of connections ...
Process %1, PID %2) Fail to create runspace for user %3 because the user has reached the maximum number of connections allowed. ...
Process %1, PID %2) Fail to create runspace for user %3 because the user has reached the maximum number of runspace creation ...
Process %1, PID %2) Fail to create runspace for user %3 because the user's tenant %4 has reached the maximum number of runspace ...
Process %1, PID %2) Operation aborted for user %3 because the user has reached the maximum cmdlets execution allowed in specified ...
Process %1, PID %2). Invalid CommonAccessToken string received for user %3. Requesting url: %4. Additional information: %5 ...
Process %1, PID %2, AppDomain %3). CrossAppDomainPrimaryObjectBehavior with Named Pipe %4 failed on %5 with excepton: %6. ...
Process %1: %2 failed in application %3. Exception returned is %4. This event may occur when the %3 application cannot discover ...