You're trying to save this file to an earlier product version. Some of the features are not supported in earlier versions and will either be removed or your data could be changed.
You set a % Complete value for this task and the task cannot be split. This could result in a scheduling conflict later because ...
You set a ^1 constraint on the summary task '^2'. This could result in a scheduling conflict either now or later because ...
You set a ^1 constraint on the task '^2'. This could result in a scheduling conflict either now or later because this task ...
You started a loop with a LOOP statement, but you didn't end the loop with an ENDLOOP statement.}Locate the position in the ...
You're trying to save this file to an earlier product version. Some of the features are not supported in earlier versions ...
You've only selected one task. To link tasks, you need to select two or more tasks in the view on the right. Select tasks ...
Your action may result in actuals in this project becoming out of synch with the actuals updated from timesheets.}You can: ...
Your browser's culture setting is not a supported language on the current installation of Project Web App. Contact your system ...
Your changes to the following project plan were not saved yet to the server: ^1}Would you like to revert to the last saved ...