Unexpected quotation operator '<@' in type definition. If you intend to pass a verbatim string as a static argument to a type provider, put a space between the '<' and '@' characters.
Unexpected data found in fence status key {0}. Ensure that Fence Agent is running and has the required permissions to write ...
Unexpected default version control repository type for project: {0}. Expected a "{1}" repository, but found a "{2}" repository. ...
Unexpected error encountered. It is recommended that you restart the application as soon as possible. Error: %s File: %S ...
Unexpected number of DataSet classes found in user validation file. Do not manually modify the class-structure of this file. ...
Unexpected quotation operator '<@' in type definition. If you intend to pass a verbatim string as a static argument to a ...
Unexpected version control repository type for repository {0} in project: {1}. Expected a "{2}" repository type but the actual ...
Unhandled exception occurred while creating a SharePoint project item from the following location: {0}. Exception: {1}. Message: ...
Unhandled exception occurred while initializing menu items in the menu extension class: {0}. Exception: {1}. Message: {2} ...
Unhandled exception occurred while initializing SharePoint project item type in type definition class: {0}. Exception: {1}. ...