To create one, you can set up an Internet account with the Internet service provider (ISP) offered by your computer manufacturer, or use the New Connection Wizard to select another connection method.
To create and add a class to the DHCP server. Syntax: add class IsVendor(1|0) IsBinary(B|b) Parameters: ClassName - Name ...
To create and add a new scope to the DHCP server. Syntax: add scope ScopeComment Parameters: ScopeAddress - The IP network ...
To create and add a range of IP addresses for distribution to the scope. Syntax: add iprange ClientType MaxBootP Parameters: ...
To create and add a range of IP addresses for distribution with the current multicast scope. Syntax: add iprange Parameters: ...
To create one, you can set up an Internet account with the Internet service provider (ISP) offered by your computer manufacturer, ...
To customize these settings, you must first import them from the current machine. After selecting to import the settings, ...
To define a new option type for use on the DHCP server. Syntax: add optiondef vendor=VendorClass comment=OptComment DefValue ...
To delete a client address reservation from the current scope. Syntax: delete reservedip Parameters: ReservedIP - The IP ...
To delete a client lease from the current scope. Syntax: delete lease {leaseip | \hostname | allbadaddresses | allrasserveraddresses} ...