The Primary AD FS token signing certificate used by the Federation servers is about to expire within 90 days. Once expired, any requests that require a valid SSL connection will fail. For example, for Office 365 customers, mail clients will not be able to authenticate.
The prepaid subscription for this product is no longer active. You need to buy a subscription before you can assign a license. ...
The Primary AD FS SSL certificate was installed without a private key. As a result any authentication request over the SSL ...
The primary AD FS SSL certificate will expire within 90 days. Once it expires, your Office 365 users won't be able to sign ...
The Primary AD FS token decrypting certificate used by the Federation servers is revoked. As a result, any authentication ...
The Primary AD FS token signing certificate used by the Federation servers is about to expire within 90 days. Once expired, ...
The Primary AD FS token signing certificate used by the Federation servers is revoked. As a result, any authentication request ...
The primary AD FS token-decrypting certificate does not have a private key on one or more AD FS servers. AD FS cannot decrypt ...
The primary AD FS token-decrypting certificate is self-signed. Your federation servers and claims provider partners need ...
The primary AD FS token-decrypting certificate will expire in less than 90 days. Once it expires, your Office 365 users won't ...