Displays the replication status when specified domain controller last attempted to inbound replicate Active Directory partitions. Status is reported for each source DC that the destination has an inbound connection object from, grouped by partition. SHOWREPL helps administrators understand the replication topology and replication failures. The REPADMIN console must have RPC network connectivity to all DC's targeted by the DCLIST parameter. Replication errors may be caused by the source DC, destination DC, DNS or the underlying network. The Windows Server 2003 and 2008 version of REPADMIN /SHOWREPL do not display outbound intra-site replication partners as previous version did. Use the /repsto parameter to display outbound partners. [SYNTAX] /showrepl [DSA_LIST [Source DSA object GUID]] [Naming Context] [/verbose] [/nocache] [/repsto] [/conn] [/all] [/errorsonly] [/intersite] [/csv] [naming context] DN path of directory partition for which replication status should be reported. By default, replication status is reported on all partitions held by the destination DC. /verbose displays additional information about the source partners that the destination DC inbound replicates from, including fully qualified cname, invocation id, replication flags, USN OU and USN PU values. /nocache - disbles translation of DC guid to friendly name. /repsto lists partner DC(s) that the targeted DC(s) outbound replicates to using change notification (i.e. DC's in the same Active Directory site and DC's in remote sites where change notification has been enabled) This list is appended under "OUTBOUND NEIGHBOURS FOR CHANGE NOTIFICATIONS" of the repadmin output. /conn appends a "KCC CONNECTION OBJECTS" section to repadmin output listing all connections and why they were created /all - is equivalent to the /repsto and /conn options /errorsonly - displays replication status only for source domain controllers that the destination DC is encountering replication errors. /intersite displays the replication status for connections from out-of-site DC's that the DCLIST DC inbound replicates from /csv formats the replication status in comma-separated value format where it can be viewed in spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel or parsed by reporting tools. [EXAMPLES] Reports the inbound replication status for all DC's in the forest output in CSV format repadmin /showrepl * /csv Reports the inbound replication status for all DC's in the forest experiencing a replication error. repadmin /showrepl * /errorsonly Reports the inbound replication status for all DC's in the "HQ" Active Directory site that inbound replicate a read-only or writable copy of the MAYBERRY.CONTOSO.COM domain partition. repadmin /showrepl site:HQ DC=Mayberry,DC=Contoso,dc=Com
Displays the properties for the selected partition. Syntax: DETAIL PARTITION A partition must be selected for this operation ...
Displays the properties for the selected volume and the list of disks on which the volume resides. Syntax: DETAIL VOLUME ...
Displays the properties of the selected disk and the list of volumes on the disk. Syntax: DETAIL DISK A disk must be selected ...
Displays the replication metadata for a specified object stored in Active Directory, such as attribute ID, version number, ...
Displays the replication status when specified domain controller last attempted to inbound replicate Active Directory partitions. ...
Displays the retired invocation IDs on a domain controller. A directory server changes its invocation ID when it is restored ...
Displays the state of a remote lpd queue. Usage: lpq -Sserver -Pprinter -l Options: -S server Name or ipaddress of the host ...
Displays the values of the type, last modified time, originating directory server, and distinguished name of a specified ...
Displays, sets, or clears disk attributes for the selected disk. Syntax: ATTRIBUTES DISK SET | CLEAR READONLY NOERR SET Sets ...