Usage: %1!s! url= state=](enabled|disabled|default) authmode=](none|certificates) Parameters: Tag Value url - Url on which ...

Usage: %1!s! [[url=]]
      Tag        Value
      url      - Url on which the server interface listens for HTTP(S) requests
                 Url to which the client interface sends HTTP(S) requests
      state    - One of the following values:
                 default: Server interface - always configured.
                          Client interface - configured on demand based on 
                          other connectivity options available.
                 enabled: always configured.
                 disabled: interface will be disabled.
      authmode - One of the following values: 
                 none: No client authentication will be performed during the
                 SSL handshake.
                 certificates: Client certificates will be used to 
                 authenticate clients 
                 (This option applies only to a server interface and is valid
                 only on Windows Server machines)

Remarks: Modifies the properties of an IPHTTPS interface


       %1!s! https://*:443/IPHTTPS1 none

       This command modifies a previously configured IPHTTPS server interface
       to use the URL https://*:443/IPHTTPS1 and to not use any client 
       authentication. Modifying an interface may cause disruption in 
       connectivity on the IPHTTPS interface.