Choose whether an edit button should be provided on each row.This button allows users to edit the current row in the current view, without navigating to the form.
Choose the screen resolution to use for the full-screen slide show.Smaller resolutions generally display faster, while larger ...
Choose to calculate formulas automatically or manually.If you make a change that affects a value, Excel will automatically ...
Choose what visual aids to show, or turn on or off all visual aids.Visual aids are indicators that you can display on a page ...
Choose where the selected object will appear on the page.Text will automatically wrap around the object so that it's still ...
Choose whether an edit button should be provided on each row.This button allows users to edit the current row in the current ...
Choose whether new tasks are created without dates or are automatically scheduled to start on either the project start date ...
Choose which task panes to show or hide.You can float, dock, stack, or merge task panes.After you arrange the task panes ...
Circle Invalid DataIdentifies all cells that contain values that are outside the limits you set by using the Validation command ...
Circular ArrowDraws a circular arrow where you click or drag in the active window. To draw a circular arrow that's a perfect ...