This message contains attachments that are potentially unsafe. Recipients using Microsoft Outlook may not be able to open these attachments.Do you want to post this message anyway?
This meeting request was updated after this message was sent. You should open a later update or open the item on the calendar. ...
This message cannot be modified. You may not have permission to modify the message. To save your changes, click the File ...
This message cannot be recalled because there are no visible recipients. Try finding this message in the Sent Items folder ...
This message cannot use the current security settings because the selected algorithms are no longer available. This may have ...
This message contains attachments that are potentially unsafe. Recipients using Microsoft Outlook may not be able to open ...
This message contains some text having a character set other than the default character set. When sending this message you ...
This message could not be sent. Try sending the message again later, or contact your network administrator. %s Error is %#08lx-%#08lx-%#08lx]. ...
This message is not available. It may be in a folder that has not been synchronized, or it may have been moved or deleted. ...
This message is part of a tracked conversation. Click here to find all related messages or to open the original flagged message. ...