Disabling the session configurations does not undo all the changes made by the Enable-PSRemoting or Enable-PSSessionConfiguration cmdlet. You might have to manually undo the changes by following these steps. 1. Stop and disable the WinRM service. 2. Delete the listener that accepts requests on any IP address. 3. Disable the firewall exceptions for WS-Management communications. 4. Restore the value of the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy to 0, which restricts remote access to members of the Administrators group on the computer.
Disabling the cluster service during cluster node cleanup, has failed. The error code was '%1'. You may be unable to create ...
Disabling the computer account %2 prevents users on that computer from logging on to this domain. Do you want to disable ...
Disabling the computer account prevents a user on that computer from logging on to this domain. Do you want to disable {0}? ...
Disabling the computer objects that are selected prevents users on these computers from logging on to the domain. Do you ...
Disabling the session configurations does not undo all the changes made by the Enable-PSRemoting or Enable-PSSessionConfiguration ...
Disabling these connections will leave one or more members without an On Demand source for a replicated folder. Do you want ...
Disabling this connection will leave {0} without an On Demand source for a replicated folder. Do you want to continue with ...
Disabling this membership will cause data to stop replicating to and from the selected replicated folder on the selected ...
Disabling this membership will cause data to stop replicating to and from the selected replicated folder on the selected ...